Came across an article from the Wall Street Journal (it was actually Twittered and I read it) written by Ricky Gervais titled "A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I’m An Atheist". It really got me got me thinking, and THAT cant be a good thing!! :-) The oribinal article can be found HERE.
I'm a firm believer in the old saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I don't believe in pushing my opinions or beliefs on anyone else. If someone wants to know where I stand on any particular issue, they can simply ask me. But maybe that is simply because I am not a confrontational person. I try to research anything and everything before I am willing to comment or act on it. I don't like to go off of someone saying "Because you should" or "Because I say so" thank you very much, I do actually have a mind of my own.
The whole God is real/not real debate really gets to me. If you want to believe in a higher power, great, have fun, enjoy yourself but don't push it on anyone else and vice versa. The fact that hardcore believers say that everything happens because God wants it that way and then turn around and say that being homosexual is a sin, or that wars that are started over religious beliefs isn't actually God "its just people being people" are constantly contradicting themselves. You simply CANNOT say that everything happens because God wants it that way and then judge others because they don't have the same beliefs or views as you, after all, isn't judging others a sin anyway? Another contradiction.
Do I believe in God?? No, I believe in Good. I believe in treating everyone with respect and helping one another. If you have issues with other people because of their beliefs or lifestyle or any other reason, simply distance yourself from them and move on. Live your OWN life and don't worry about mine. Those who place too much emphasis and time on others lives are certainly missing something in their own.
Wars are started over many things, but at the forefront are Greed and Religion. Millions upon millions of human lives have been lost over a disagreement about "My God is the REAL God and yours is fake". Why?? Why not be happy for one another and just live your lives to the fullest?? Enjoy each and every day and be happy for what you have. If God were real and really controlled everything then why would there be horrible things such as cancer and AIDS?? Those who are religious generally just write this stuff off as "Lessons" or the fact that these people "Deserved it" for one reason or another. It just disgusts me. If there IS a higher power then it exists everywhere, all around us. Not in a building and CERTAINLY not in a book. Do I think there is any sort of higher power? I just don' know. I know I believe in karma, and if that has something to do with a higher power so be it. But it could also have to do with positive energy.
I could write for hours and hours on this subject, but I wont. I will leave it be for now with a couple of final statements; Live your life to the fullest because you only get one shot. Help others whenever possible without any expectations.